Friday 19 April 2013

A change of plan

So once we get over our morning excitement we head to the local super market to stock up. Plus we are returning our BBQ as we think it will be in the way. Boating World are happy to give us a full credit which suits us. Just a shame they don't have any of the items we want. Any way we are still working on spending that money.

Greg still can't find the seat for the tender, he has looked everywhere, so that is a mystery.

We are slowly getting accustomed to Moet22 as it's surprising how easily you forget things. It will take us a few days to get fully in the swing of things I think.

We are still leaving Corfu on Sunday and will then work out a change of sailing plan most likely leaving the yacht in Turkey instead.

We head into Corfu Town for dinner and enjoy some local cuisine of slowed baked lamb and moussaka and wash it down with some local red, mmmm yes very nice indeed.

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