Wednesday 24 April 2013

Leaving Levkas

After a leisurely morning of shopping and cleaning we depart Levkas around noon.

We are now heading to one of our favourite villages on Kefalonica called Fiscardo. It's a very pleasant motor for about three hours. Greg is getting all the video mounts ready including our dolphin cam. Lets hope we see some!

We arrive at about 3pm and tie up stern to in front of one of the restaurants, we are lucky to get one of the better places left on the jetty. It's also good to see some bars and shops open already.

The locals are getting ready for the season. They are cleaning and painting their shop fronts. It's such a pretty village.

We get a visit from the Port Police so Greg goes and visits him to have our paperwork checked and pay our dues.

We are planning on staying two nights and catch up on some sleep and hopefully get our body clocks on Greek time.

We have a few pre dinner drinks at one of the balcony bars and notice the fisherman next to our yacht pull out a huge swordfish. It's about 30 kilos without it's head. They are sawing and slicing it for the locals. We end up at Roula's for dinner, a grill house.

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