Wednesday 19 September 2012

Going back in time

Visiting Istanbul is like going back in time and just unimaginable is the history, beauty and wealth of the Nation.  The amazing Palaces, Mosques etc go back to BC times and we are in awe of it all.  The call to pray is minimised compared to other muslim countries we have lived in so although we are surrounded by about 50 mosques, they are not impossing but form a pictuersque horizon line. 

Greg chooses on a day tour and we visit the following places including the Grand Bazaar, Topkapi Palace which has a display of the most amazing arms and armoury of the different Sultans from the Ottoman era.

Blue mosque
Inside Blue Mosque

inside Hagia Sophia

German Fountain Hippodrome

Dancing light shades
We have walked around the old city for most of the day and are now knackered.

Day 2 in Istanbul is much more relaxing.  We have a sleep in before we go for a shop.  We then catch the tram to the ferry terminal and have lunch in a quite park before our ferry departs taking us around the Bosphorous.  

The trip takes about two hours and gives us a good view of  Turkey from the Asian continent and the European continent.  There are many palaces and mosques on the water plus some modern floating night clubs.

We head back to our hotel and have a delicous diner at a local Kebab House then get ready for our 1am departure to Singapore.

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