Saturday 1 September 2012

Leaving the Northern Ionian Islands for the South.

We are pretty happy with our progress and sail plan as we are heading to Katakolon on the Peloponnese Island, it’s separated by the Corinth channel to the mainland.  We plan to visit the ancient site of Olympia and also be there so we can watch the Belgium F1 on Sunday.  We will most likely stay 2-3 nights here.
We have a pleasant motor sail across to Katakolon with a steady breeze of 10-15 Kts from the NE.  We should arrive about midday.  It’s a very shallow harbour and the depth gauge goes down to 0.0, that’s no water under the keel, however we manage not to touch the bottom.  We go stern to the wharf and Capitan Leon guides us in.
Helming along to LMFAO

Captian and Tennille
We finish off the pasta for lunch then go and find the local beach for a swim and get the paperwork stamped for our arrival.  It’s a pretty small port, designed to cater for cruising ships and those wanting to visit Olympia.  We will hire a scooter tomorrow and visit Olympia.  Meanwhile happy reading!

Saturday night is pretty quiet, just a bite to eat at the local restaurant and enjoying the view from the harbour.
Sunday is busy.  After a very bumpy sleep we have breakfast and arrange transport for Olympia.  We change our mind from a scooter to a car as it’s pretty hot and further away than we excepted.  A great decision as for only 50 Euros we get the car for 24hr so we can do a final shop as well.  We get away later than expected and arrive at the Ancient Ruins about 1pm.  We buy entry tickets and roam around the site dating back to 1100 BC, it’s incredible.  Similar to Pompeii but older I think. Anyway we find the spot where the Olympic torch is lit, doesn’t look like the TV shots so happy to move on now.

Story of Olympia
Old ruins

Where's Zane?

Actual site of the lighting of the Olympic flame

Back at the harbour we have a light lunch at one of the local cafes on the water and then find a bar for the F1.  It’s a great race and spectacular first lap.  After the race we go back to the yacht and I start our washing and Greg does some maintenance.  Three loads later the yacht is now looking like a Chinese laundry as I have to dry the clothes myself.  Greg is changing over the fans, installing an oscillating one in the saloon and 2 fixed fans in the A berth up front.  Bang! Greg has blown up something, he is OK but one the fans needs to be replaced now, oh well.  I’m not so sure about the oscillating one either as it’s not really working.
A local farmer has been visiting us to sell us his home grown produce so we arrange for a delivery before we depart tomorrow.
We have a bite to eat at the harbour and try for an early night.  Its another bumpy night and neither if us get much sleep.  We have a quick coffee and then head out for the big supermarket just out of town, it will be our last big shop of the trip.  We get loads of goodies and head back to take a look at the wine Trail, unfortunately we cant find the Wine Estate and end up at our first sandy beach for a coffee.
Katakolon Harbour

Greg's parts time job to pay for the Moet

Back at the harbour Greg returns the car and gets the paperwork stamped so we can leave and I get the yacht ready.  We say farewell to Captain Leon and get our delivery of green groceries.  It’s very cheap and the home made wine is in a 1.5Litre water bottle, so can’t wait to try it.  Tomatoes,  figs, grapes, cucumber and wine all for 6 Euros.
Dry Dock



  1. Such very beautiful pictures, amazing. And to actually be there must be better than Fantastic. Top marks to the photographer and writer of the story-so-far.
    Love M & M xx

  2. Hey Guys, great to see everything is going to plan and you having a great time and seeing those places you planned to see. Love Smugglers Cove - one to put on the list of places to see before I die!! The tans are looking pretty good I must say:)Wish I was still in that dinghy tagging behind. Cheers and keep having a great time!

  3. Hi G&G, what an incredible and amazing holiday!! everyday just gets better than the next. And the photos just top it all off. Lots of Love Josie xx
