Wednesday 12 September 2012

Sleepless in Levkas

After a relaxing afternoon by the pool I head out to the shops while Greg has a siesta.  We have a quiet night on the yacht hoping for a good nights sleep and early departure.  Unfortunately that’s not the case.  At about 1.30am all we can smell in smoke oh that’s right the local dump is smouldering and the wind has changed so our cabins and saloon are filled with smoke.  It takes more than an hour to get rid of the smell and even longer to try and get back to sleep. 
We have to say that Levkas has a personality of its own and it reminds us of Jakarta.  Damaged buildings from the 1953 earthquake are yet to be repaired and sometimes even the language sounds a little like Bahasa.
After a sleepless night we have breakfast in the Marina and get away for the 9am bridge opening as we've decided to get out of here. 

Levkas bridge opening

leaving Levkas

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