Tuesday 16 September 2014

Back to Mongonissi

After a good nights sleep we wake to a beautiful day around 8.30.  I walk to the local supermarket for fresh bread and make one last visit to the laundromat as I left something behind on Saturday.  I meet Greg and Beinda at the Skippers Cafe for breakfast.

We depart Gouvia Marina around 9am as we are now heading south to the Island of Paxios and the little harbour of Mongonissi, it's about a five hour journey.  We make a pit stop at Lakka Bay to show Belinda how amazing the colour of the water is and it's not very busy for a change.

Within an hour we have experienced our first fire on board, the baking paper caught fire in the over as we were warming up the spanakopita for our snack. Then we are hit by a wake and the plate of spanakopita goes flying and we break our first Greek plate, ohla! 

We get to Mongonisi around 2pm and get a good location on the Quay, a lovely couple help us tie off and Belinda does a great job on the stern lines.  We plan to spent two nights here so we can relax, swim and chill out.  The water  temperature is 28 degrees.  I swim out to check the anchor and it's fine. Fingers crossed we can pull it up on Wednesday.  We plan to have it repaired at Levkas as that will be our next stop as we are picking up Robert there.

We eat lunch on the yacht and then paddle out to our first Ouzo Bay, the sun has finally gone down which we are grateful of as we are all really sunburnt from our day in the sun as we take turns to sit in the tender and sun bake.

We prepare for dinner at the local Taverna and order a great selection of food including white bait, sagonaki prawns, rooster, octopus and lamb.  It's a feast!  We enjoy a local bottle of Pinot Noir with the meal and head back to the yacht, we a really buggered from too much sun and Ouzo so crash out quite early.

It's a bumpy old night as the swell rolls in and the wind whistles through all the rigging on the yachts.  I have a crappy sleep so get up to catch up on my blog.

Greg is sick at around five am, not sure what from but he is OK.

Let the day begin!


  1. Awesome pics and read! Another great adventure :) have an ouzo from us too!

  2. Looks wonderful keep the pictures coming say hello to Belinda for me. Love Hal
