Monday, 15 June 2015

Heading North

After an awesome dinner and a great nights sleep we awake to another lovely morning in Fiscardo.  Coffee and cakes call me to the galley and we enjoy then in the cockpit.

Greg is still hell bent on getting rid of all the webs and spiders.  We even have a stowaway hiding under our life raft.

As he is cleaning the webs on the outside as well he needs a device to help him reach the webs so he tries to mount our largest fender but he can't stay on for long.

As my ear is still problematic I decide to visit the chemist who sends me straight to the medical centre.  I walk straight in and see a Dr.  After a thorough examination I leave with a list of medicines.  I have water behind one ear drum and a blockage between my ear and nose.  No wonder I can't hear.  Anyway as I long as it clears before I board the plane I'll be very happy.

We depart Fiscardo around 11am and are heading north to Sivota a small village on the south ofLefkada  Island.  We are meeting Jo and Trevor so looking forward to seeing them.

We have a lite breeze from the nth west so we can pull up the headsail and meander across from Cefalonica.  It only takes two hours to get there and there is plenty of room on the wharf to choose from.  Once we tie up and get settled we have a light lunch on the boat.  Then we head over to see our friends.  We spend a few hours catching up and make our dinner plans.

We grab some wifi from a local bar and catch up on things for a a hour or two then be ready for dinner.  We are have bubbles on Yacht Breeze, Trevor and Jos' yacht then head to dinner at Spiodoula 's Taverna. The boys find out they have a connecton with the past in  Woolwich Plumstead ; some further research is required to see if both families knew each other.

We enjoy a Greeek feast including dips, calamari, saganaki prawns, swordfish and complimentary walnut slice.  It's all very delicious with great company.  Jo and Trevor are heading off early in the morning so we say our farewells until next time; as we are all very sure there wil be one.


  1. Just read your blog of 15th. So interesting to find common background in Plumstead with your friends. Hope you received sms re address. Carolyn heading for Venice and Med, left today. Enjoy all that beautiful sunshine and warmth. Hugs. M & M

  2. Love the blog. Thanks for resurrecting it! E
