Sunday 21 June 2015

Homeward bound

We both have a great sleep and are on the way by 6am.  Check in is fast and efficient.  We have time to enjoy a great cappuccino before we board.

The plane is half full so we get to sit in the exit row with extra leg room.  Everyone is able to stretch out for the 4.5hr flight to Abu Dhabi which is great.  The service and flight is very good compared to the flight  over so happy so far.  We arrive in Abu Dhabi local time of 2pm.  As we have an eight hour transit here we plan to relax and watch the Austrian F1 which will pass the time.

EXCEPT its Ramadam and there is no alcohol to be served until sunset.  We go to the Number 1 Sports Bar in the airport and they can't service us a beer nor can we watch the F1 so not happy Jan.

So we decide to pay to use the Ethiad lounge so we can at least watch the race there.  We pay up then find no wifi, now we  are really pissed.  They do allow us to use another lounge that has a separate  wifi and the best we can do is listen to the race as none of the TVs have the Fox sport channel nor can we play our Foxtel channel overseas.  Looks like the airport looses again.  Considering they have a F1 race track here you would think that viewing the race would be easy.

I can only hope the 14 hours on the plane is bearable!  We touch down in Sydney around 6pm Monday night.

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