Tuesday 28 May 2013

1. Datca

It's takes about seven hours to get to Datch, a beautiful harbour and village. We are in luck and find one of the last spaces  on the wharf away from the Gulets.  The harbour curves around and it's obvious there will be some fouled anchors to deal with when we leave tomorrow.

Greg has a well earned siesta while I check out the village.  It's surrounded by water as there is a small causeway leading to the north bay which is very picturesque.  It would make for a good anchorage with favourable winds.  There are many bars and fish restaurants in the nearby vicinity and provisioning will be easy.

We take it easy for the afternoon as we had an early start to the day.

Later on in the afternoon we meet our neighbours from Singapore who are very friendly.  We share some wine and stories about our time there. David also brings his charts over and gives Greg some great ideas for some lovely anchorages in the Bozburun area where we will be headed tomorrow.  David has a custom made yacht perfect for the area and single handed sailing, he is loving the Beaufort 4s and 5s.  David and Fern are headed North so we will most likely not bump int them again but really enjoyed their company.

Imagine if we had a flag like this with Julia's face on it!

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