Sunday 12 May 2013

Lovin' Samos

Greg's looking forward to breakfast so we head over to the Corner Bar for a Big Breakfast.  The Wi-Fi is the best here as well and we can even use it while on our yacht.  We make the most of it and down load all of season two of Game of Thrones.  We need a refresher before we start on series three.

After breakie we find the laundry and do a couple of loads and visit the museum highlighting some of the statues and relics of the ancient city of Samos.  Wow it's quite extraordinary what they have dating back past the 6th century B.C.  The details in the paintings and carvings are amazing.

The gardens are also beautiful.

Whilst tied up some Aussie couples come and talk to us.  The first couple from Sydney are touring Europe on a motor cycle.  Peter and Kim are also heading to Turkey so maybe we will bmp into them again.  They also sail back in Sydney and invite us for a sail once we are all back home.  They next couple own the jewellery shop just across from where we are tied up.  They have been in Samos since 1998 and love it.  Jane is Aussie and Chris is Greek.   Last couple Aussie Greek lady and English hubby they have just bought a house in Vathi on the other side of Samos Island.  They love it here as well and it's lovely that people come and talk to us.

After a cheap gyros lunch we decide its time to scrub the decks.  The cloud cover has lifted and the sun is out so we make the most of it.

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