Monday 6 May 2013


Since my last blog a few hours ago its been full on at the Marina.

Half a dozen yachts have arrived reversing into 35knts of wind. There has been lots of drama; fouled anchors and jammed main sails, collisions with concrete and just a very good showing of charter companies allowing inexperienced people to skipper large (50ft) yachts and the crew have no idea and I'm being nice REALLY!

We do our best to help them as much as we can and the Marina guy is pulling his hair out. I hope we get this sort of help when and if we need it ! 90 mins later everyone is tied off and settling down.

I'm not leaving Mykonos till there's no wind!

In the marina everyone who has their anchors out are getting them fouled; luckily we have the lazy lines. It's going to be a busy morning helping everyone leave and then there is a flotilla of 100 yachts arriving in the afternoon .... We will be fending off other yachts no doubt !

We're exhausted and adrenaline is still running high! Hope I can get some sleep tonight.

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