Sunday 12 May 2013

Turkey here we come!

Well the paperwork seemed to be processed quite quickly for us.  The Police stamped our passports, the Port Police stamped our transit log and charged us 22 Euros for two nights and then the Custom guy shook our hands and kept the transit log, in record time of thirty minutes.  We are under way by 9.30am.

 The day is overcast but slowly warms up. We are travelling North East to Kusadasi in Turkey about three hours away.  It's a pleasant journey.  

Once we leave Greek waters and enter Turkey waters Greg takes down the Greek flag and raises the Turkish flag.  

We arrive at Kusadasi Marina around 12.30 and wow we are not used to all the help and friendliness we receive, it's very refreshing.  At the marina office they can even handle all our customs, passport control and issue our new transit log.  This is just wonderful for us.  We have tried to time our journey so we can find a sports bar and watch the Formula 1 at 3pm which we achieve.  I'm not really sure where we are but we have the whole place to ourselves, great cool breeze and very friendly owners.  The race is about to start in 10 mins so by for now.

And then the power went out for the second time today in Kusadasi.  Early today it went out for five hours and then it went out for who knows how long but we missed the last of the race; about the last 20 laps.  In the meantime we meet some lovely locals, Scots and Irish.  Apparently in winter time there is only about 100,000 people around, but in summertime it increases  up to a 1,000,000. That's why the power is overloaded. 
Back in the marina we continue to assist with our paperwork and finances.  Overall it's not too expensive to set up a new transit log. We'd have to wait on the yacht tomorrow for customs to arrive and   check out our inventory. Then we can visit Ephesus.  We just have to cancel our 8am taxi now. 

We are happily tied up at the marina and having some local food for dinner tonight.  Currently chatting to Tash and James in Vancouver on FaceTime  Xx 

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